Things to remember 1) Save your work before testing a model containing events. There are a lots of ways you can mess things up. 2) Make sure that all the events you want to include in a simulation, must belong to at least one path ending at a node who is selected to be stored on file. In particular, make sure that every event has at least one successor. 3) Include all “dummy edges” needed to ensure that the events send their messages in the correct order. 4) Keep things as simple as you can. 5) Avoid events that trigger other events unless you are absolutely certain that you do it right. 6) Avoid events that (directly or indirectly) trigger more than one simulation on the same model. 7) Avoid loops in your event structure. 8) If you end up in a deadlock situation, i.e., two or more events waiting for each other to finish, you can usually terminate this by typing a ‘.’ while pressing the command key. If this does not help, there is still a tiny hope: You can wait for the events to time-out which usually happens after 1-2 minutes.